Friday 2 October 2009

The First truth - Why Am I Writing A Blog

Hi Strangers,

So here I am.Finally convinced my self to tell the world what they don't want to hear - The Truth
Why ?Well I figured after so many years I don't give a shit if you agree, disagree, want to read it, don't want to read's up to you... but you know what I'm going to tell you about it anyway
For those of you who want to carry on living in lala land where all is fruitful I suggest you close this site now and never enter it again.
This is my beginning to a lot of truth about a lot of things that could get alot of people including myself in trouble. Today is the beginning of unleashing what we deny,what we prefer to pretend we haven't seen:
  • Leaving home
  • Getting married
  • Getting Divorced
  • In denial
  • Recovering
  • Pilgrimage
  • Restaurant Nightmare's ( Explores an operators 12 year career growth in the hospitality industry...what you don't read about in the newspapers
  • Travelling alone
  • Abuse
  • The real truth uncovered behind chat rooms - before and after
  • Love- what's that?
  • Material Girl In a material world
  • Why The - Don't F*** With Me Image
  • Aftermath Of The Tsunami In Sri Lanka - ( The photos & The truth From my own eyes )

So now you know what I'm going to write .....a taste of whats to come I guess.

The truth - first hand from me

So take some time to think about it and then I'll see you when Your ready.......

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